Seaton Car Park Extension

26th November 2020

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The Seaton Overflow Car Park Extension was constructed on a local authority owned verge to provide additional parking for the new Seaton Jurassic attraction. The works comprised of the removal of existing trees, earthworks, Bodpave/Grass Paving, a bitmac paved footway, a bitmac entrance splay, new street lighting, signage and road markings.

The works also included the installation of high friction surfacing to the highway, a new pedestrian crossing together with the installation of Belisha beacons, knee rail fencing, realignment of the existing highway drains and service diversions and the construction of a new gated vehicle access off of the Underfleet.

We programmed the works to enable pedestrian diversions with little inconvenience to the public by focusing on completing and opening a new footway at the rear of the car park first.

Following this, the verge was excavated to design level, sub-base and bodpave and reinforced grass paving laid and filled with a root zone material and seeded with grass. Knee rail fencing and top soiling to new planted areas completed the car park area.

Following the excavation of the car park area we donated some of the surplus materials including the turf and topsoil to the attraction volunteers for them to use in planting and verges outside the new facility.

As part of the associated highway works, a new junction off The Underfleet was constructed including highway drainage alterations, kerbing, a pedestrian island, lit bollards and street lighting. Opposite the Seaton Jurassic attraction a new zebra crossing was installed which required the alteration of combined kerb drainage elements, together with the installation of new street lighting and Belisha beacons.

In order for the highway alterations to be undertaken, two and three-way temporary traffic lights were installed, with all traffic management designed, installed and maintained in accordance with Chapter 8 by in-house resources. This allowed the flexibility to ensure delay and inconvenience to the public was reduced to the absolute minimum.

Our original tender programme allowed for an 8-week contract period. During the project we were instructed to complete additional works including extending the footway by 25m and installing a capping layer to the vehicle entrance to the car park. Following excavation, which revealed hard ground conditions, we still managed to complete the project in just 6 weeks handing the scheme back to the client 2 weeks early.